The Achill Island Blueway

Achill Island has long been a popular water-sports and walking destination with a range of accommodation, dining and entertainment options. The Blueway trails on the island are located on the north and western coastline at Dugort and Keem.

A Blueway is an area suitable for a range of water sports activities in a beautiful setting. The Achill Island Blueway hosts a kayak trail at Dugort which is suitable for kayakers with at least an intermediate level of experience and a snorkel trail at Keem which is suitable for all levels of abilities. 

Kayak Trail - Dugort.  This trail extends 2.4 km between Golden Strand and Silver Strand in Dugort village, and is only suitable for proficient kayakers with sea kayaking experience. Less experienced kayakers may wish to complete the trail under the guidance of a suitably qualified kayaking instructor. The trail is closed during periods of offshore winds. Start at either strand, depending on the tide. The coastline here is rocky with small cliffs and there are tidal flows at the eastern headland near Silver Strand. It is possible to land at a small beach past the western headland from Golden Strand - this should only be used as an access or exit point in emergencies. Sightings of bottlenose dolphins and seals are possible along this trail.

Snorkel Trail - Keem.  Keem Beach snorkel trail is accessed via the main car park. The trail takes you along the right (southern) side of the bay and can be accessed at all stages of the tide. Tidal flows here are weak making this snorkel trail suitable for beginners. Keem was once home to large numbers of basking shark which can grow to 11 metres in length but have no teeth. The sharks move slowly through the water feeding on microscopic plankton and in 1940s and 50s were hunted extensively for their oil which was extracted for export as a fine grade lubricant for the aerospace industry. Occasionally basking sharks visit the area, as do porpoises. You may also spot trigger fish and spider crabs, usually from mid-July and just out from the beach, a few meters under the surface.

Be Safe: The weather continually alters the Blueway experience. You have responsibility for your own safety and must consult a tide table and weather forecast before setting out. • Blueways are accessible year round but should not be used in bad weather - especially in strong winds - or after sunset. • Some Blueways are closed during periods of offshore winds – consult the on-site information board for details. • Blueways are not suitable for mechanised watersports. • Some Blueways are tidal - take account of the tidal flow when you are planning your trip and consult the on-site information board for more details. • Appropriate personal and craft buoyancy are mandatory for Blueway users. • Always let someone on shore know where you are going and when you will be back.