Windsurfen auf Achill Island

Achill Island is the perfect spot for wind driven sports. Recognised as one of the windiest spots in Ireland, it is unusual to go for prolonged periods (either in winter or summer) without suitable winds which prevail from the South West and blow side on-shore on Keel beach. Wintertime provides consistent deep ocean swell as well as short period local swell.

A range of sails can save the day as the island experiences a wide range of wind speeds (often in one day) and Keel lake can provide some great speed sailing as well as offering a safe spot to practice tacking and gybing before taking to the swells of Keel beach. Swells from the south around to west will bring waves. W to NW winds bring  good wave riding with south west ideal for big jumps. At the western end of the beach there is a  reef which only appears a very low tide, otherwise the beach is flat sand. Good surfing for any style of board, and if it’s to big or wild at Keel, then the beaches  and reefs on the north shore come into play making the island suitable for most wind directions.

If venturing out, make sure your equipment is in good shape and that someone knows when to expect you back!

Keel lake can become a little shallow in dry periods during the summer, and sometimes weed growth can cause problems.

Achill OEC offer lessons during the summer months.
